Ha?! deci cu cat ma gandesc mai mult la vacanta cu atat uit mai repede tot ;x...mwhaha>:)...abia astept vacantaaa` :-b...abia astept sa fiu o alta "persoana" abia astept sa-mi petrec vacanta alaturi de beatrice ;x....si cel mai mult abia astept sa plec la mareeee` cand ma gandesc seara.tarziu.alaturi de persoanele care le iubesc cu adevarat.distractie.home. ahh` 8->
si totusi...n-as vrea sa vina vacanta...n-o sa-mi uit colegii care se vor muta;))...n-o s-o uit pe bubbles tipa cu care ma certam mereu:)) si nu ne suferim...si totusi n-o sa uit prima mea poza cu "el" si prima zi in care l-am vazut ;x o sa ma eliberez de stres...boysss`8->.strand.boys.home. boys.london;x...si lista continuaa`:D....si totusi...am uitat sa zic de shopping :">... o sa las in urma totul...si o sa fiu altcineva....o sa fiu asa cum imi doream dintotdeauna 8->
Presimt ca o sa fie vara perfecta 8->...si in plus o sa-mi fie dor de ei...de prietenii mei \:d/
[insa ce nu pot uita este amintirea ta...o pastreaza inima intr-un colt de suflet..si oricat as incerca nu te voi putea uita]
sâmbătă, 30 mai 2009
miercuri, 27 mai 2009
Cearta banala...intr-o seara de cacat...

Pey sa zicem...ca e doar o mica cearta care dureaza putin..! so what?!...sau nu:-??...sa zicem ca exista si certuri mai lungi...intre prieteni de o viata:-??...era seara.tarziu.am inceput eu sa-i povestesc "ei" ce s-a intamplat. cearta mea cu tata...si in loc sa-mi fie alaturi vorba mamei mele sa-mi zica "lasa ca ne facem noi timp sa ne vedem" :) sa ma ajute sa numai stau suparata ce putea sa-mi zica:-?? "bine iti face" :) ok bun?! am inteles...ma urasti? atunci de ce mi-ai fost prietena/:)? nu ma suportzi...atunci cum ai reusit sa ma scoti din toate chestiile si sa ma faci sa rad:? nu-ti pasa?! ok fata mea`:) du-te si plimba-te, o prietena nu ti-ar zice ce mi-ai zis tu...crede-ma scriu asta pentru ca imi pasa:...si as vrea sa realizezi ce ai zis.../:)....eu una regret ca m-am certat dar aici nu a fost vina mea...ca bea` mi-a fost alaturi:)...si mi-a zis ceea ce vroiam sa o aud de la tine:...
Nu te credeam asa :)...daca eu merit ceea ce mi-a zis tata...atunci si tu meriti ceea ce ti se intampla, regret ca zic asta...dar vreau sa te simti cum m-am simtit si eu..cand mi-ai zis "bine iti face"..bun sunt doar niste cuvinte:) dar sunt cuvinte...pe care unii oameni le pun la suflet....nu-ti pasa ca am scris asta?! ok...mie-mi pasa:)...te simti mandra de tine...afla ca esti plina de rautate:...nu ma crezi? intreaba-ti prietenii....: nu recunosc...inseamna ca te plac pentru ca le faci pe plac la tot ce-ti zic ei:)))...
[sunt ceea ce sunt si nu ceea ce vor ceilalati]....nu-ti convine?! nu-mi pasa>:D<
duminică, 24 mai 2009
Este dureros cand nu poti avea pe cineva, dar este si mai dureros sa stii ca el este mereu langa tine si nu-l poti avea, pentru ca tu, pentru el nu esti decat o simpla amica...nimic mai mult:
Este dureros sa stii ca il poti avea doar in vise. Vreau sa fug de durere sa numai am sentimentul de teama ca o sa-l pierd...Imi place de el...muult, dar mereu cand am vrut pe cineva nu l-am putut avea :-<...mereu exista un motiv, mereu exista cineva la mijloc mereu e la fel.
Este dureros sa stii ca il poti avea doar in vise. Vreau sa fug de durere sa numai am sentimentul de teama ca o sa-l pierd...Imi place de el...muult, dar mereu cand am vrut pe cineva nu l-am putut avea :-<...mereu exista un motiv, mereu exista cineva la mijloc mereu e la fel.
[One night the moon said to me "If he makes you cry why don't you leave him?"I pause for a while then i look at back to the moon and i said..."Moon would you ever leave your sky?"]
joi, 21 mai 2009
Forget him...
Forget his name
Forget his face
Forget his kiss
His warm entrance
Forget the love that you once knew
Remember he has someone new
Forget him when they played your song
Remember when you cried all night long
Forget how close you once were
Remember he has chosen her
Forget how you memorized his walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget the things he used to say
Remember he has gone away
Forget his laugh forget his grin
Forget the dimples on his chin
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember he's with her tonight
Forget the time that went so fast
Forget the love that moved, it's past
Forget he said he'd leave you never
Remember he's gone forever:-j
I want to be remembered as the girl who smiles even though her heart is broken, and the one who can always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own...
Forget his face
Forget his kiss
His warm entrance
Forget the love that you once knew
Remember he has someone new
Forget him when they played your song
Remember when you cried all night long
Forget how close you once were
Remember he has chosen her
Forget how you memorized his walk
Forget the way he used to talk
Forget the things he used to say
Remember he has gone away
Forget his laugh forget his grin
Forget the dimples on his chin
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember he's with her tonight
Forget the time that went so fast
Forget the love that moved, it's past
Forget he said he'd leave you never
Remember he's gone forever:-j
I want to be remembered as the girl who smiles even though her heart is broken, and the one who can always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own...
miercuri, 20 mai 2009
When you try your best, but you don't succeed.
When you get what you want, but not what you need.
When you feel so tired , but you can't sleep...
Stuck in reverse...
And the tears come streaming down your face...
When you lose something that you can't replace...
When you love someone, and it goes to waste..
High up above or down below, when you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know just what you're worth
Tears stream down your face, and I promise that I will learn from mu mistakes...
Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you!
When you get what you want, but not what you need.
When you feel so tired , but you can't sleep...
Stuck in reverse...
And the tears come streaming down your face...
When you lose something that you can't replace...
When you love someone, and it goes to waste..
High up above or down below, when you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know just what you're worth
Tears stream down your face, and I promise that I will learn from mu mistakes...
Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you!
luni, 18 mai 2009

Avea un anisor si jumatate doar atat! nu am stiut sa o apreciez...nu am stiut sa ma joc cu ea....aseara la 1:36 inca mai tragea sa nu moara ea nu vroia sa plece era iubita...inca rasufla usor usor nu inteleg cum Dumnezeu poate chinui o fiinta atat de mica sa o faca sa sufere !cu ce a gresit?un sufletel ca ea?
La 02:11 a murit: lumea s-a prabusit era frumoasa si moarta...avea ochii ei cu ochii deschisi era tot bubu mic dar era atat de cuminte...acum casa e goala fara ea sunt singura numai aud cand mananca cand iese numai se ridika in 2 labutze cand vin eu de la scoala:((
duminică, 17 mai 2009
Someday you'll cry for me
Like i cried for you
Someday you'll miss me
Like i missed you
Someday you'll need me
Like i needed you
Someday you'll love me
Be Who You Are And Say What You Feel,
Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter
And Those Who Matter Don't Mind
Like i cried for you
Someday you'll miss me
Like i missed you
Someday you'll need me
Like i needed you
Someday you'll love me
Be Who You Are And Say What You Feel,
Because Those Who Mind Don't Matter
And Those Who Matter Don't Mind
vineri, 15 mai 2009
I can't be who you are!
Pey...de 7 luni il plac pe "el"..si acum o saptamana ce crezi? l-am vazut cu o tipa...si am simtit k totul se prabuseste de ce tocmai mie, de ce el ?!Eram la scoala am inceput sa tzip sa plang prietena mea cea mai buna imi zicea sa ma calmez sa numai ma gandesc la el..dar nu puteam eram prinsa cu gandul la el si "ea" park era un cosmar numai puteam sa ma trezesc, imaginea lor in mintea mea...:-<...NU pot sa cred cate am putut sa fac in 7 luni de zile! nu pot sa cred cum am reusit sa plang atat pentru "el"...
miercuri, 6 mai 2009
Looks like the Holy Ghost is gone and now you're afraid of yourself
Over you shoulder you have to watch heaven fall into Hell
Looks like your boat's about to sink so it's time to prepare
Even the angels are losing sleep and the sidewalks are losing sleep
Oh, it looks like the war was in your head and not your heart
Just when you think you have things figured out they fall apart
I'll wail until you fall from grace!
Over you shoulder you have to watch heaven fall into Hell
Looks like your boat's about to sink so it's time to prepare
Even the angels are losing sleep and the sidewalks are losing sleep
Oh, it looks like the war was in your head and not your heart
Just when you think you have things figured out they fall apart
I'll wail until you fall from grace!
marți, 5 mai 2009
I need a summer!
I need a summer but the summer's come and gone
I need a summer but it's winter in my heart
It's all the same, the f**ked up game you play with me
I need to hold you. But you're never coming back
I can't get any lover
I can't find all the pieces of my broken life
I need a summer like a winter in my heart...
I can't find all the borken pieces of my life...
....I Still Try...
I need a summer but it's winter in my heart
It's all the same, the f**ked up game you play with me
I need to hold you. But you're never coming back
I can't get any lover
I can't find all the pieces of my broken life
I need a summer like a winter in my heart...
I can't find all the borken pieces of my life...
....I Still Try...
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